
PT Team Member Spotlight: Meet Janelle

Janelle PT Spotlight

Meet Janelle! Janelle is a valued team member on our VendorCare team. She has been a part of ProviderTrust for the past three years and truly embodies the ProviderTrust values. Janelle is the type of person who goes the extra mile to make someone new feel welcome, she is incredibly detail-oriented, is always willing to lend a hand, and she has a great sense of humor. 

Her teammate Mike had the following words to share: “Janelle is super fun to work with. She has an incredible sense of humor. Last week, the team went out for some axe throwing. I performed TERRIBLY up until the playoffs, where I faced Janelle and won. The losing player has to write the winner’s name on the scoreboard after the match. She wrote my name as ‘BLTN’ which stood for Better Late Than Never.”

Tell us about yourself and what you do for VendorProof.

I am the youngest of four and the only girl. I grew up in a small town (not so small anymore): Parker, Colorado. Both of my parents immigrated from Mexico and worked hard to give my brothers and me a better childhood than they had. I am a person who enjoys challenging myself. After graduating college I found myself in a toxic work environment. Once I realized that, I knew I needed change. I had an opportunity to move to Nashville. I have never been too far from my family, but I knew moving to another state was something I needed to do to grow. When applying to jobs in Nashville I was very intentional to only apply to jobs that had good work environments. ProviderTrust has exceeded my expectations.

VendorProof was not the team I originally applied for. During the interview process while I was being told about VendorProof, I was intrigued. There were aspects of the VendorProof role that I knew would challenge me to get out of my comfort zone. The objective of the VendorProof team is to help our clients’ vendors enroll in VendorProof. At first glance, the everyday tasks on the VendorCare team can seem mundane, but I see every day as an opportunity to do more for our clients, the vendors, and the company. 

I see our clients’ vendors, in a way, as our clients as well. Calling a vendor and telling them their client needs them to fill out a compliance requirement for a fee would make anyone feel uneasy, especially with all the scams out there these days. It’s our job to educate the vendors on why they have to enroll in VendorProof. I like to build a relationship with each vendor. When you provide the vendor with best-in-class customer care, they’re more likely to enroll in VendorProof.

Some other things we do on the VendorCare team include brainstorming ideas to make VendorProof easier for vendors, identifying potential bugs, and cleaning up inaccurate client data.

How long have you worked on the VendorCare team?

In August, it will be 3 years since I joined the VendorCare team. 

What is your favorite memory working here?

This is hard… I have so many wonderful memories. One of them would be the Bootcamp with Becca. I decided to do the Bootcamp with Becca because when I was younger I enjoyed high-intensity workouts. I wanted to challenge myself with something I had not done in a long time. 

Leading up to the workout while I was hyping myself up, my logical side was telling me I was crazy thinking I would be able to wake up early enough to do a 6:30 am workout. I was able to prove to myself that I could make it to a workout that early. Also, both Jodi’s and Becca’s positivity gave me the motivation to complete the workout. 

What is something you're proud of?

During Covid, Michael and I decided to try doing new things outside. Some of the activities we tried were archery, canoeing, and golf. 

I ended up loving golfing more than I anticipated. For the last month, we have been golfing every weekend. To say I was terrible is an understatement. I was determined to be able to hit my driver at least 60 yards. Not only did I hit that goal, but last weekend I exceeded it: I hit my driver 120 yards!

What is your favorite company value and why?

My favorite company value is Model Positivity

Growing up I smiled a lot so people used to always compliment me on my smile. When I was younger I always thought as long as you smiled, you were being positive. I have learned that being positive is a mindset. I love this value because it connects with our other values. When you are in the positivity mindset it opens your mind so that when an issue arises instead of dwelling on it, you’re able to pivot and come up with a new solution.

Looking back on the last year, what is something significant that has happened to you?

My best friend, who I consider a little brother, lost his dad to colon cancer in October. He then lost his mom unexpectedly in May to a heart attack. We grew up in the same neighborhood and I was always at his house. Unlike our other friends, I was fortunate enough to be able to fly to Colorado to be there for him. This is another reason I love ProviderTrust. I’m a person who always strives to be  there for my friends and family. The fact I work for a company that allows me to do that makes me incredibly grateful. 

What does an average day look like for you?

Most days I start by logging into Talkdesk, Salesforce, and Zendesk. Once I’m logged into all of the systems, I go to Zendesk and reply to emails. Once the emails are handled I will get my call list for the day and start making calls to Ardent vendors. 

In between making outbound calls we also have to answer inbound calls, chats, and emails. This is what an average day should look like on a VendorProof team, but it can change depending on if we get an influx of inbounds from vendors due to letters or marketing emails, so being able to pivot is crucial. 

What do you love most about VendorProof?

I love my teammates. We all have different personalities, which is why our team works. We all bring different things to the table. I can always rely on my teammates.

What does smarter and safer healthcare mean to you?

If you asked me this question before joining the ProviderTrust team, I would have given you a deer-in-the-headlights look (I had no experience in healthcare). When you go to a hospital system or doctor, you put your trust in them and believe they’re doing the right thing.

To me, smarter and safer healthcare means creating systems/products for hospitals systems that are less complicated and more secure so they can do their part to limit fraud in healthcare. This elimination of this fraud could solve many of the issues related to the accessibility and affordability of healthcare.

Who in your life has inspired you lately?

My mother has always been my inspiration. She is the most selfless, hardworking, and honest person I know. My mom comes from a family of 12. 

When she was 14, her parents had to go back to Mexico to take care of their land. When they left they also left her three younger siblings who were all under the age of 12. At 14, my mom pretended she was older than she was so she could work. Her younger siblings were staying with her brother for about 10 months and by the time my mom turned 15, she dropped out of high school to get a second job to take care of her younger siblings. 

My mom inspires me because she has overcome so many things in her life to get where she is now. She has owned her own housekeeping business for the last 26 years.

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